Tuesday, March 26, 2013

It's for the Kids

Good day all!

If you are recently coming home from spring break, like myself, I hope you've found safe travels and wonderful memories! If you are in the "real world" and spring break was not an option, I hope your week has been filled with wonderful discussions with friends and intriguing new acquaintances with strangers!

As for me, my burnt slash freckled face has seen all degrees of weather, ranging from Midwest highs of 23 to desert highs of 87. I got to spend my lovely spring break in the amazing state of Arizona. What a wonderful place! Granted, I have only been there during spring break and haven't experienced a real Arizona summer, but I like to pretend Arizona is beautiful everyday of the year. 


Lucky for me, I got to drive to Arizona... Now, if you are a map-challenged person like myself, just know that from start to finish, Arizona is about 24 long hours from my hometown. Exhaustion is an understatement after those hours were driven, let me tell you! I am, though, very blessed to be able to be writing this blog post for you guys... On the way home, we found ourselves in the middle of a ja-bung-gous storm. While we were driving a solid 65 mph, the car in front of us hit some black ice. If anyone has been in an accident, then you probably know what I mean when I say everything went into slow motion. The car in front of us swerved, did a 360 in the road, and went into the ditch. Me, being the apparently inexperienced-accident-avoider that I am, did everything wrong to prevent doing the same... slammed on the brakes, turned the wheel every which way, and did a 360 and went into the ditch. How lucky we were that it was in Oklahoma that this happened, which is a state boasting large ditch areas (at least 30 feet) that are basically even with the road. Thankfully (sarcasm alert) I just finished a Venti coffee so my nerves were oh-so calm. Jesus definitely took the wheel on this one! No poles around us, no 50 foot trench nearby, no cars riding my tail, no bridge in sight... what a powerful moment! All in all, everything with us and my car were fine, so we just drove out of the ditch and went on our way. We did, though, go about 40 mph for a solid 3 hours as well as listen to The Message (christian station) on XM radio for the rest of the trip!


So, the point to me saying I went to Arizona is that the design I want to show you is located in the lovely city of Phoenix, Arizona. We drove by it many times and weren't entirely sure what the building was. A few guesses were a sweet hotel, a flashy casino, or some sort of convention center. All were wrong because the building was in fact a Children's Hospital.

I give to you, Phoenix Children's Hospital!

Here is what caught my attention while driving by.. what the building looks like at night...

The lights on the top of the building glow and change colors, pretty wicked right? Just wait till we get inside!

Today, Phoenix Children's Hospital is one of the ten largest children's hospitals in the country and provides specialty and sub-specialty inpatient, outpatient, trauma, emergency and urgent care to children and families in Arizona and throughout the Southwest.

Here is a little tidbit from the Phoenix Children's Hospital's website
"With the opening of the new Phoenix Children’s Hospital in June 2011, there’s a new landmark on the Valley skyline. At night, distinctive LED lighting outlines the tower, bringing to mind a night-blooming desert flower. Along the circle drive that leads to Thomas Garage West, 64 queen palms lend the plaza a resort atmosphere. The Hospital’s name and distinctive hand print logo has been installed over the main entrance. Each letter weighs more than 100 pounds."

When doing a hospitality project for school, I found in my research that it was often hard to draw the perfect line between creating a sophisticated hospital for adults and a fun hospital for children. With this design, compliments of HKS inc., both parties are meshed together perfectly with the interactive lights and technology throughout the entire building.

Let's take a look at the beautiful lobby...

If you're like me, there is so much to feast your eyes on that it's almost overwhelming!

The Main Building lobby consists of a large, three-story atrium that welcomes patients, families and visitors with sweeping vistas and stunning views of the mountains. Natural light plays off reflective surfaces in this gateway to the services of Phoenix Children’s Hospital. Lighting features in the floor magically change color as you walk through the lobby. Overhead, a suspended sculpture shimmers, mimicking the effect of falling water. Blue-green tiles surrounding the elevators add to the oasis environment.

Tile surround in lobby area

Some seating options amongst the design
Every part of this hospital seems to give off an awesome design vibe... here are just a few corridors that branch off of the lobby.

An awesome feature of this design is that it can easily be altered by simply changing the color of the LED lights that are throughout the entire space. Notice that all the walls that aren't covered in marvelous tile patterns are white, giving the hospital a perfect canvas for the varying colors of the LED lights throughout

Here is just one example of what you will find immediately after you step off the elevator. Each floor features a special sculpture, which assists in way finding, as well as a different LED color then the floors above and below it. Color, art and images of desert flora and fauna theme each floor. Whimsical art is designed to make the Hospital less frightening, while interactive pieces will keep active children occupied in waiting areas.
Here are just a few more pictures of the newly renovated cafeteria, waiting area, and 3rd floor outdoor patio area.


Waiting Area

3rd Floor Patio

Not only is this an awesome design, but what better way is there to apply such an interactive and fun environment then to a children's hospital? The Phoenix Children's Hospital has done a spectacular job at creating a positive light (pun anyone) in a dreary situation. I know many families have found this as a blessing in their times of struggle, whether they consciously know this or not. This hospital is just another example of how design can have such a positive impact on people's lives. This, my friends, it what makes it all worth it for me.

If you want to learn a little more, check out the hospitals website here! >>http://www.phoenixchildrens.com/<<

Well, there you have it, another awesome design to leave you thinking about for the next few minutes/hours/days of your life. I hope it inspires you the way it has inspired me!

Tell everyone you care about that you love them today, and once you've done that, do it again 5 times over! We don't know the Lord's plans so we best love passionately till our days are up!

God bless you all!

- T

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Texture is the Winner!

Good Afternoon my dear bloggers, friends, family, and complete strangers...
I welcome you all! 

It has been a long while since I've graced you with some amazing designs. I apologize greatly for this! 
Combining the stress of finishing my portfolio and figuring out my future, I have put other things on the back burner, which is not a great excuse (but what excuse ever is great?)

(Side note: If this is the first time you have stumbled upon this site, disregard that last paragraph as you can use your imagination and see that I write a blog post every day!)

I am learning all about marketing through the use of social media in a class I am taking and thus was forced to get a "Tweeter", which I once found pride in going against the norm and not having one. But I must say, through getting immersed into the Twitter world, I have found that so many possibilities can open up through basically blindly creeping on companies and people you would like to know or be a part of.

Though this may seem irrelevant to my blog, this does has a point. I felt preeeeettty sweet getting asked by Designer Living Online what my opinion was on tips and trends I loved in the design world. My response: texture (see their article/blogpost here >>http://www.designerlivingonline.co.uk/index.php?route=extras/blog/getblog&blog_id=91<<).

So, to compliment this insight, I found an awesome building with some awesome texture!

(please feel free to drum roll...........)
I present, The Hilton Pattaya Hotel by Department of Architecture Co. in Thailand.

The first thing you may notice is the beautiful textured ceiling... I love it!

Think about walking into this lobby... it is impossible not to be blown away by it's originality and innovative use of texture.

The entire ceiling plane is taken over by dynamic wave lines which lead visitors towards the seafront beyond. The fabric installation on the ceiling is the main feature of the space and when night approaches, strip lighting accents it from above the fabric pattern.

At the end of the lobby, there is a bar which is specifically arranged to be parallel to the sea, giving visitors a gorgeous and maximizing view of the ocean. The backdrop of the bar is made of wooden walls with alcoves, giving the lobby and bar area the feeling of an oceanic experience. Over-sized and soft furniture gives comfortable and relaxing seating for guests to sink deep into.

Department of Architecture Co.,Ltd. | Hilton Pattaya

A large reflection pond is right outside of the lobby and feature lounging daybeds and glowing lamps scattered throughout its ripples. From here, viewers are opened up to the panoramic ocean vista and the comforting ocean breeze.

The lobby and bar are just the tip of the iceberg as far as where glorious textures have taken over. Moving into the 'FLARE' fine dining area.

This upscale dining experience takes pride in privacy and exclusivity for the guests. This design explores the value put into a literal, private dining experience. Through taking up intermediary space between spaces with a translucent volume of sheer fabric, an elegant and mystifying atmosphere is created. The deep color palette and low lighting is yet another tribute to the depth of the space. The up-light on the sheer fabric volumes and the glowing edges of the fabric that touches the floor creates the different spaces of the restaurant without completely blocking off the entire space. 

Doesn't stop here folks! Let's look quickly at 'EDGE', the restaurant that serves a large variety of food with multiple large open kitchens situated across the floor, facing the ocean view. Take a look at the wall applications and the awesome plush furniture with 'tattered' looking fabric seams.

This restaurant provides a calm, relaxing and comfortable escape from the busy streets below. The use of natural materials and airy features are what make it so easy for guests to relax and enjoy themselves. The aesthetic elements of the space are reminiscent of an underwater landscape, specifically the 'ocean creature like' seating. Clusters of the glowing organic shaped lamps are suspended randomly throughout the space.

The last thing we will look at is the innovative use of texture in the areas of transition in this hotel. Many hotels don't take the time and effort to make areas of transition worth while since people spend what seems like the least amount of time in them. The Department of Architecture Co. thought otherwise.

These linkage spaces bring all of the latent design opportunities to their best. These transition spaces invite people to take a journey to their destination. These spaces lead the guest in the right direction, creating an experience while journeying along the passage to something they look forward to. 

If this is what a linkage area looks like, what will the destination hold??

Below are just a few more pictures because I just couldn't get enough!

Bathroom off of Lobby
View from outside seating of EDGE restaurant

View from Lobby

Well that is all I have for you folks! I hope you enjoyed this design experience as much as I do! I hope you are able to see just how impacting different textures can have on a space. The mixture of the different applications throughout the hotel give it that unique feature that makes anybody eager to visit it.

Have a wonderful day today and make the most of it! 

Blessings to you all!