Sunday, February 3, 2013

Design. Playlists. Architecture. Music.

Hello all and welcome to my blog! I wanted to let you know from the start that this blog will be dedicated to the wonderful world of architecture and interior design!

No no no my friends, this is not another DIY blog or a suggestions-on-how-to-do-such-and-such... no, the goal of this blog is to bring innovative architecture into your radar that makes your eyes giddy with wonder and happiness, the same way music may excite and please the ears (thus, The Design Playlists, witty, right?!)

Before I dive too deep into this, I want to share a little about myself. I am currently an Interior Design student, soon to graduate this coming May (cross your fingers!) with a minor in marketing. I grew up in the Midwest in a college town where I was blessed to be within 20 minutes of the majority of my extended family. I don't know what outsiders think, but I feel like I had the best childhood growing up in the Midwest. I learned responsibility through showing horses in 4-H, hand eye coordination through catching fireflies in the backyard, and friendship through being honest and true to myself. Don't get me wrong though, I'm no small town girl, I just love the way I was brought up! In a few words, I am passionate about life, the people I'm blessed to know, and all the experiences that have gotten me thus far, good and bad. But back to my design goals.... What really drove me to be an interior design student was not only the endless possibilities of creativity, but the way that design can have such a positive impact on people. I love that through designing a space, you are able to make people feel comfortable, safe, and secure. My goals for the future are to someday be part of a company that strives to bring that type of joy and comfort into the users of their spaces.

Okay so back to the blog, enough about me! Through the series of posts to come, you will be seeing some kick booty architecture/design that will knock your toe socks right off! These following designs will be unique applications to both commercial and residential design that make it stand out from all the rest. Hopefully you won't be just wowed by these designs, but be motivated to look a little closer at the architecture around you and appreciate a little more what it is that I so passionately pursue!

So please, snuggle up in your blanket (here in the Midwest it's cold cold cold!), grab your large mug of hot chai tea, and join me in placing some wonderful and innovative architecture into your new Design Playlist!

More posts to come!

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